Thursday, January 2, 2020

Making an arpeggiator in supercollider with patterns


Given some notes as input, generate a pattern making use of those notes. When the input changes, the generated pattern should also change. Most keyboards and synthesizers provide simple arpeggiators, but we'll be using supercollider which allows for generating the most complex patterns imaginable including generation of chords, polyphony, introducing random variations, etc
Code for the final piece of code in this post can be found on


How can we convert a list of notes to an interesting arpeggio? Different possibilities exist, but we'll be using one of the more powerful abstractions available to supercollider users: the pattern system.
Patterns act as a kind of template for generating events, and events can be played to create sounds. This sounds exactly like what the doctor prescribed.

A simple example to get started

First let's assign some midi notes to a variable ~n:
~n = [60, 64, 67]; // c major chord
If you, like me, prefer to reason in note names instead, you can install the Panola quark:
Then you can write the following instead (it's a bit longer but, hey,  at least with readable note names):
~n = Panola("c4 e4 g4").midinotePattern.asStream.all;
Our task is to define a pattern that uses the notes in ~n and builds from them a simple arpeggio. So, given the input notes [c4, e4, g4] instead of playing simply the notes [c4, e4, g4] we'll generate a more interesting arpeggio [c4, g4, e4, g4]. When the input notes change to e.g. [c4, f4, a4] the arpeggio that is generated should change to [c4, a4, f4, a4].
    var arp = Pbind(
        \instrument, \default,
        \midinote, Plazy {
            var n0, n1, n2;
            ~n = ~n ?? [Rest(1)];
            n0 = ~n[0] ?? Rest(1);
            n1 = ~n[1] ?? ~n[0];
            n2 = ~n[2] ?? ~n[0];
            Pseq([n0, n2, n1, n2])
        \dur, Pseq([1,1,1,1].normalizeSum*2)
    if (~player.notNil) { ~player.stop; };
    ~player = Pn(arp).play;
This code requires some explanation:
  • s.waitForBoot is a construct I use in pretty much every supercollider sketch I make. It will start the supercollider sound server if it wasn't started yet.
  • Once the server is booted, the function that is passed to waitForBoot is executed. This function defines a pattern (also known as Pbind) "arp" and plays it.
  • The full power of Pbind is available (meaning that you could e.g. generate midi events and send them to a hardware instrument), but for demo purposes we just instantiate the supercollider default instrument. This should generate some sound even if you don't own any fancy hardware (after all, supercollider is also a sound synthesis language and therefore very capable of generating its own sounds). Instantiating the default instrument is accomplished by specifying the key-value pair \instrument, \default in the Pbind.
Plazy is a filter pattern that allows to calculate a new supercollider pattern using a function.
In addition to selecting an instrument, we also need to generate the notes to be played. Remember that ~n is the input note list. First we try to extract the first 3 notes from the input note list. These are the notes that we will use to rearrange into our arpeggio.
The line ~n = ~n ?? [Rest(1)] checks if variable ~n is defined already (actually it checks if ~n is nil). If it is not defined, it is assigned a list of input notes consisting of a single Rest. Then I introduce some variables n0, n1, n2 to denote the first, second and third note in the input list respectively. It may happen that the input list contains fewer than 3 notes (e.g. if you initialize the ~n variable from midi input from a hardware device, someone might play a 2-note chord instead of a 3-note chord). In that case we don't want our code to crash. If the first note is missing, I replace it with a Rest. If the second or third notes are missing, they are replaced with the first note.
The function passed to Plazy returns a Pseq that generates our arpeggio consisting of the first, third, second and third input note: n0, n2, n1, n2. Pseq is a pattern that generates successive notes. By default the complete list of notes will be repeated once and then the pattern stops.
To generate an arpeggio we are not limited to only generating notes. We can also generate durations, volumes, legato-staccato, and a bunch of other properties. All these can be derived from the input note list, or they can be completely independent from them if so desired. In this first example, let's just give all notes equal duration and keep all other properties to their default values. Specifying durations in a pattern is done by using the \dur key.
I want the complete arpeggio to be finished in 2 beats, so I specify 4 (because there are 4 notes) equal relative durations of 1 and then normalize the values to make their sum == 2.
Finally, we need to stop any previous instances of the pattern that may be playing, and make our pattern start. This happens in the lines
if (~player.notNil) { ~player.stop; }; // call stop if not stopped already
~player = Pn(arp).play;
Note the use of the Pn pattern, to make our arpeggiator repeat indefinitely.
As soon as you redefine the ~n variable to a new value, the pattern (but only after the previous instance was completely finished) will use the new values in ~n and generate a new arpeggio built from the new notes, so e.g. while the pattern is playing, try evaluating the following lines one by one, listening how it changes the arpeggio.
~n = [60, 64, 67 ];
~n =[ 60, 65, 69 ];
~n =[ 59, 65, 67 ]; 
Exercise: adapt the code to make an arpeggio based on the first four notes of a list of input notes.
Exercise: adapt the code to use different durations for different notes

Fancier patterns

The simple arpeggio we generated above is already more complex than what many synthesizers and keyboards can do, but supercollider being supercollider this is just the tip of the iceberg available to us.
We can generate multiple patterns from a single list of input notes and play them together with Ppar. In addition, not all durations and amplitudes need to be the same. You could generate a complete 16 track auto-accompaniment from a simple list of input notes using this technique. Here's an example of a melody pattern with a bass line generated from the input notes. Note that I do some arithmetic on the notes (+12) to add an octave. In general you are not limited to using only the input notes given by the user. You can add any other note you desire, which can (but needn't) be derived from one of the notes in the input list.
    var right, left;
    ~n = ~n ?? [Rest(1)];
    right = Pbind(
        \instrument, \default,
        \midinote, Plazy {
            var n0, n1, n2;
            ~n = ~n ?? [Rest(1)];
            n0 = ~n[0] ?? Rest(1);
            n1 = ~n[1] ?? ~n[0];
            n2 = ~n[2] ?? ~n[0];
            Pseq([ n0, n2, n1, n2 ] ++  (([ n0, n2, n1, n2 ] + 12)!2).flatten)
        \dur, Pseq([1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ].normalizeSum*2)
    left = Pbind(
        \instrument, \default,
        \midinote, Plazy {
            var n0, n1, n2;
            ~n = ~n ?? [Rest(1)];
            n0 = ~n[0] ?? Rest(1);
            n1 = ~n[1] ?? ~n[0];
            n2 = ~n[2] ?? ~n[0];
            Pseq([ n0, n2, n0, n2, n0, n2, n0, n2] - 12)
        \dur, Pseq([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1].normalizeSum*2)
    if (~player.notNil) { ~player.stop; };
    ~player = Pn(Ppar([right,left])).play;
Exercise: define some percussion instruments and add some percussion to the fragment.

Listening to midi input

Until now we've defined the ~n variable manually. But we can just well listen to a midi device and react to the incoming notes (or control change messages).
Before we can use midi devices, we need to initialize supercollider's midi system. To do so, evaluate the following code:
MIDIdef.freeAll will remove any midi handlers that may still be running. MIDIClient.init will initialize midi communication in supercollider and MIDIIn.connectAll ensures that we react to incoming midi msgs of all midi devices connected to the system.
Now we can install a midi handler that reacts to note on and note off messages. We will maintain an array of notes, and for each note in the array whether it's on or off. This array forms the basis from which we derive our list of input notes.
Note that in the following, the arpeggio keeps playing until we press another chord. If you want the arpeggio to stop when you release the midi keys, you can add
~n = ~note_table.selectIndices({|item, i| item != 0});
if (~n == []) { ~n = nil; };
in the note off handler.

    var right, left;

    ~note_table = 0!127;
        \mynoteonhandler, // just a name for this handler
            |val, num, chan, src|
            ~note_table[num] = 1; // update note table and update ~n
            ~n = ~note_table.selectIndices({|item, i| item != 0}).postln;

        \mynoteoffhandler, // just a name for this handler
            |val, num, chan, src|
            ~note_table[num] = 0; // update note table and update ~n

    right = Pbind(
        \instrument, \default,
        \midinote, Plazy {
            var n0, n1, n2;
            ~n = ~n ?? [Rest(1)];
            n0 = ~n[0] ?? Rest(1);
            n1 = ~n[1] ?? ~n[0];
            n2 = ~n[2] ?? ~n[0];
            Pxrand([ n0, n2, n1, n2 ] ++  (([ n0, n2, n1, n2 ] + 12)!2).flatten)
        \dur, Pseq([1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ].normalizeSum*2)
    left = Pbind(
        \instrument, \default,
        \midinote, Plazy {
            var n0, n1, n2;
            ~n = ~n ?? [Rest(1)];
            n0 = ~n[0] ?? Rest(1);
            n1 = ~n[1] ?? ~n[0];
            n2 = ~n[2] ?? ~n[0];
            Pseq([ n0, n2, n0, n2, n0, n2, n0, n2] - 12)
        \dur, Pseq([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1].normalizeSum*2)
    if (~player.notNil) { ~player.stop; };
    ~player = Pn(Ppar([right,left])).play;
Note that now always a complete "iteration" of the pattern has to be finished before changes in the input note list create a new arpeggio. You cannot switch the arpeggio to a different chord in the middle of the arpeggio. How can we change this behaviour?

Change chords in the middle of the arpeggio

What if we want changes in the input notes to have immediate effect? Can we adapt the code to make the system react faster to changes? Well... it's supercollider so of course we can. Let's see how it can be done.
If we want immediate reaction of the system to chord changes, one approach is to replace n0, n1, n2 with patterns that reevaluate a function every time they are called. This function then performs a lookup of a note in our ~n variable, which is updated as soon as new midi notes are received.
Also I moved the midi initialization code inside the system because I don't really like having to evaluate multiple code blocks successively.
 var right, left;
 var n0, n1, n2;

 if (~midi_initialized.isNil) {
  ~midi_initialized = 1;

 ~note_table = 0!127;
 ~n = nil;

  \mynoteonhandler, // just a name for this handler
   |val, num, chan, src|
   ~note_table[num] = 1; // update note table and update ~n
   ~n = ~note_table.selectIndices({|item, i| item != 0});

  \mynoteoffhandler, // just a name for this handler
   |val, num, chan, src|
   ~note_table[num] = 0; // update note table and update ~n
   // enable next two lines only if you want arpeggios to stop playing
   // when you release the midi keys
   ~n = ~note_table.selectIndices({|item, i| item != 0});
   if (~n == []) { ~n = nil; };

 n0 = Plazy {
  if (~n.isNil) {
  } {
   ~n[0] ?? Pseq([Rest(1)]);

 n1 = Plazy {
  if (~n.isNil) {
  } {
   Pseq([~n[1] ?? ~n[0]]);

 n2 = Plazy {
  if (~n.isNil) {
  } {
   Pseq([~n[2] ?? ~n[0]]);

 right = Pbind(
  \instrument, \default,
  \midinote, Pseq([ n0, n2, n1, n2] ++ (([ n0, n2, n1, n2] + 12)!2).flatten),
  \dur, Pseq([1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ].normalizeSum*2)
 left = Pbind(
  \instrument, \default,
  \midinote, Pseq([ n0, n2, n0, n2, n0, n2, n0, n2] - 12),
  \dur, Pseq([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1].normalizeSum*2)
 if (~player.notNil) { ~player.stop; };
 ~player = Pn(Ppar([right,left])).play;

Final cleanup

As a final cleanup we can remove some code duplication
 var right, left;
 var n0, n1, n2;
 var note_getter;

 if (~midi_initilized.isNil) {
  ~midi_initialized = 1;

 ~note_table = 0!127;
 ~n = nil;

  \mynoteonhandler, // just a name for this handler
   |val, num, chan, src|
   ~note_table[num] = 1; // update note table and update ~n
   ~n = ~note_table.selectIndices({|item, i| item != 0});

  \mynoteoffhandler, // just a name for this handler
   |val, num, chan, src|
   ~note_table[num] = 0; // update note table and update ~n
   // only enable the following lines if you want the arpeggio to stop as soon as you release the keys
   ~n = ~note_table.selectIndices({|item, i| item != 0});
   if (~n == []) { ~n = nil; };

 note_getter = {
  | index |
  Plazy {
   if (~n.isNil) {
   } {
    ~n[index] ?? (~n[0] ?? Pseq([Rest(1)]));

 n0 = note_getter.(0);
 n1 = note_getter.(1);
 n2 = note_getter.(2);

 right = Pbind(
  \instrument, \default,
  \midinote, Pseq([ n0, n2, n1, n2] ++ (([ n0, n2, n1, n2] + 12)!2).flatten),
  \dur, Pseq([1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ].normalizeSum*2)
 left = Pbind(
  \instrument, \default,
  \midinote, Pseq([ n0, n2, n0, n2, n0, n2, n0, n2] - 12),
  \dur, Pseq([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1].normalizeSum*2)
 if (~player.notNil) { ~player.stop; };
 ~player = Pn(Ppar([right,left])).play;
Let me know if have ideas to enhance the system!