Computer stopped booting
After the latest dist-upgrade in debian SID my system refused to boot. After seemingly doing nothing for a while my computer would just drop into an emergency root console. In the mean time everything is up and running again, and here's what I had to do to make it boot again:- After reading many bug reports and forum entries about NFS mounts in fstab causing a system not to boot, I decided to take a look at my /etc/fstab. In /etc/fstab I had specified (amongst other things) mount points for cdrom, dvd, and up to two usb sticks:
/dev/cdrom /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0After commenting out all those lines, the system suddenly booted again. Despite the "missing" entries, KDE still manages to recognize USB sticks and while it might be unrelated, I noticed that now suddenly KDE is able to correctly play audio CDs -- something I had never managed before. The player would start but I never got any sound from it.
/dev/dvdrw1 /media/dvd auto noauto,rw,user,exec 0 0
/dev/sdb1 /media/usbstick auto users,rw
/dev/sdc1 /media/usbstick2 auto users,rw
CUPS refused to start
Once the system booted again I hit the next problem: I couldn't print anymore since CUPS refused to come up. After searching the net, I saw more people having the same problem. In a lucky guess I looked in /etc/sysctl.conf and saw a line:net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
I disabled that line and cups worked again! I then added that information to a bug record related to bringing up CUPS on systemd . In the mean time other people have encountered the same issue:
No visual feedback during boot
This was the least of my problems initially, but after a while I missed the coloured OK's during startup.Turns out /etc/default/grub contained a line
after changing that to
and running update-grub, my beloved colored OK's are back :)